18 October 2017

SATELITE'S- ઉપગ્રહો વિશે

(ભારત ના ઉપગ્રહો વિશે)

1 The first cosmonaut to spend about 17½ days in space endurance flight
* Adrin Nikolayev and Vitaly Sevastyanosov in soyuz-9 (June 1, 1970)

2 The first person in the world to land on the moon
* Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Adrin Jr. of U.S.A. Armstrong was the first to set foot on the moon followed by Aldrin. July 21, 1969.

3 The first man to enter space
* Major Yuri Gagarin (Russian)

4 The first woman cosmonaut of the world
* Velentina Tereshkova

5 The first American astronaut to float in space
* Edward White

6 The first unmanned spaceship to have soft landed and lifted off from the moon to return to the earth
* Luna-16 (U.S.S.R.) September 21, 1970

7 The first manned space vehicle to land on the moon
* Lunar Exploration Module (LEM) nick-named ‘Eagle’

8 The first spaceship which carried three American astronauts to land two of them on the moon
* Apollo-11

9 The first country to send man to the moon
* U.S.A.

10 The first space-vehicle to orbit the moon
* Luna-10 (U.S.S.R.)

11 The first unmanned moon buggy to explore surface of the moon
* Lunakhod-1 (U.S.S.R.)

12 The first space rocket brought back to earth after orbiting the moon
* Zond-5

13 First crew transfer between the orbiting spaceships
* Soyuz T-15 with Mir Space Station

14 The first mission of a linking-up in space by manned spaceships of U.S.A. and Soviet Union
* Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Mission (ASTP) (launched on July 15 and linked up in space on July 17, 1975)

15 India’s first scientific satellite
* Aryabhatta

16 The first man to fly into space belonging to a country other than Russia or the U.S.A.
* Vladimir

17 Russia’s first spaceship with international crew on board.
* Remek (Czechoslovakia)

18 The first country to send nuclear powered space craft to explore Jupiter
* U.S.A.

19 The first Indian to go into space
* Rakesh Sharma

20 The first American astronaut to make two space flights
* Gordon Cooper (U.S.A.)

21 The first country to launch a cosmic space rocket towards moon
* U.S.S.R.

22 The first space rocket to hit the moon
* Lunik II

23 The first spaceship in the world to sample moon’s crust
* Surveyor-3 (U.S.A.)

24 The first space vehicle to soft land on moon
* Luna-9 (U.S.S.R.)

25 The first manned spaceship to perform the longest stay in space (11 days)
* Apollo-7 (U.S.A.)

26 The first manned spaceship to perform space flight round the moon
* Apollo-8 (U.S.A.)

27 The first American manned spaceship to perform crew transfer in space
* Apollo-9 (U.S.A.)

28 The first woman of Indian origin in space
* Kalpana Chawla

29 The first residents on the International Space Station
* Bill shepherd (U.S.A.), Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev (Russia)

30 The first space tourist in the world
* Dennis Tito (U.S.A.)

31 The first European woman to international Space Station
* Claudie Haignere (French cosmonaut)

32 The first space tourist of S. Africa and second of the world
* Mark Shuttleworth (April 2002)

33 The first US space shuttle to explode while returning home killing all the astronauts
* Columbia (February 1, 2003)

34 China’s first man in space
* Yang Liwei

35 European Space Agency’s first moon probe craft

36 America’s first Mission to Saturn
* Cassini Spacecraft (Reached Saturn’s orbit in July 2004)

37 First private, manned spacecraft
* Spaceship One (Launched on June 21, 2004)

38 First European space probe landing on the surface of the Saturnian Moon Titan
* Huygens (January 15, 2005)

39 India’s first Mapping Satellite
* CARTOSAT-I (Launched on May 5, 2005)

40 The first spacecraft to touch the surface of a comet
* NASA’s Deep Impact hit its comet target temple-I (July 4, 2005)

41 The first Japanese spacecraft to get down to an asteroid and collect samples from there
* Hayabusa (November 2005, Japan’s Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

42 The first Probe Mission to planet Pluto
* New Horizons (U.S. launched on January 19, 2006)

43 The first space woman to stay for the longest ever Perivale of time in space
* Sunita Williams

44 The first lunar orbiter of China
* Chang’e-I (Lauched on October 24, 2007 from Xichang Satellite Launch Centre of South-Western Sichuan Province)

45 The first successful moon mission of India
* Chandrayan-I (October 22, 2008)


GK questions from 2015 Missions and Main Persons of ISRO

1, Mr A S Kiran Kumar Appointed as Chairman of ISRO on January 14th 2015
2, March 28th 2015 ISRO successfully launched Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV-C27 with a Payload of 1425 Kg.
3, PSLV – C27 took with it IRNSS-1D Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System which is used for mainly two services Standard Positioning services and Restricted Services
4,  Dr K Sivan Appointed as Director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram
Mr. S Somanath Appointed as Director of Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Thiruvananthapuram
Mr P Kunhikrishnan Appointed as Director of Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota
5, PSLV-C28 Successfully launched 5 foreign satellites with a total payload of 1440 Kg on July 10th 2015.The five satellites were of for DMC International Imaging, United Kingdom.
6,Cryogenic Rocket engine for GSLV Mk-III the advanced version of GSLV series is tested sucessfully on July 16th 2015. GSLV series are the launch vehicles which can carry a load of upto 5 tonnes in future and will be used for space missions.
7, 2117 Kg GSAT-6 satellite is launched by GSLV launch vehicle on August 27th 2015.

Question expected from Future Missions of ISRO

1, By 2016 India is planning for the second mission to Moon named as Chandrayaan-2 which will include a land rover module the first of its kind by ISRO. Earlier we launched a orbiter only.
2, NISAR A joint collbration between Indian Space Agency and NASA will launch the Nasa-Isro Synthetic Aperture Radar (Nisar) a remote sensing satellite.
3, Aditya the spacecraft mission to SUN is planned by 2016 to study the space weather.
4, Aerobic Vehicle for Transatmospheric Hypersonic Aerospace Transportation (AVATAR) is an undergoing project in which ISRO will be developing unmanned reusable spacecraft that can sent satellites and comeback to ground for another mission.



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